Friends, UPSC exam is counted among the respected exams of the country and candidates from all over India sit in this exam. And only those who study with hard work and dedication get success in this exam. In today’s news, we are going to talk about a boy who cracked the UPSC exam in the first attempt itself.

Friends, the name of the person we are talking about is Ananya Singh and she is a resident of Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. And in the year 2019, at the age of just 22, she has won the country’s most difficult exam, UPSC.

Let me tell you that it is told about Ananya that Ananya was a very bright student since childhood. And his mother had a dream and belief from the very beginning that my daughter would definitely become a big officer one day.
IAS Ananya Singh’s message to other aspirants: Ananya tells that UPSC exam is completed in three phases, that’s why UPSC aspirants should prepare for Pre and Mains together. Due to which the preparation is good. Ananya tells that she worked hard for 1 year.

This strategy gave success in UPSC preparation: Ananya told in an interview that in the year 2017, she studied hard and diligently throughout the year. He focused on the necessary study material like current affairs, NCERT books etc. Along with this, she also kept preparing notes. She tells that some notes were short and some were long notes. These notes helped a lot during the exam.