Famous actress Priyanka Chopra, who has established herself in the world from Bollywood to Hollywood, is fiercely sharing her daughter’s pictures these days. It is noteworthy that recently Priyanka Chopra had reached India with her little daughter Malti Mary Chopra, where she enjoyed a lot. During this, he had also introduced his daughter to the media.
Along with this, she also took them to religious places. After this, Priyanka Chopra again went to her old world i.e. America and is enjoying herself there too. Meanwhile, Malti Mary reached the Royal Albert Music Concert with her father Nick Jonas, whose pictures are also going viral on social media. So let’s see the latest pictures of Malti…
Let me tell you, Malti Mary has also made her stage debut through this concert. Let us tell you that Malti also attended the Royal Albert Music concert of Priyanka’s husband Nick Jonas on Saturday night, whose pictures are becoming increasingly viral on social media. While sharing the picture of his daughter, Nick wrote, “Her first soundcheck.”
It can be seen that during this, Malti Mary has also put on headphones. While sharing a romantic picture with her husband Nick Jonas, Priyanka wrote in the caption, ‘And after selling all the Royal Albert Hall’.
Apart from this, Priyanka has shared her picture with her husband while locking lips. After seeing the glimpse of Malti, the fans looked very happy and Malti is being praised fiercely. However, this is not the first time that such beautiful pictures of Malti Mary have come to the fore.
Priyanka Chopra now keeps sharing her daughter’s pictures with great impunity, while Malti Mary also looks very cute in every photo on which users shower their love fiercely.
Apart from Priyanka, the picture of her mother Madhu Chopra is also going viral. It can be seen that the loving bond of mother and daughter was also seen in these pictures. Madhu Chopra was seen kissing on daughter Priyanka’s head. In the second picture, Priyanka is seen preparing her mother.
Talking about Priyanka Chopra’s work, these days she is in discussion about her upcoming web series ‘Citadel-2’ which is going to release on April 28. Apart from this, Priyanka also has many Hollywood projects, if we talk about her Bollywood films, she will soon be seen in Farhan Akhtar’s film ‘Jee Le Zara’. Popular actress Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif will be seen with him in this film. If reports are to be believed, the film will be based on the lives of three women.