Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is in headlines these days for his entertainers tour in America. Many videos of this journey have gone viral on social media. Along with Akshay, actresses Nora Fateh, Mouni Roy, Sonam Bajwa and Disha Patni have also participated in this tour. A dance video of Nora and Akshay has surfaced from this tour, in which both the stars were seen dancing on Pushpa’s superhit song Oo Antwa.
Now a dance video of Akshay and Nora Fatehi has come to the fore, in which fans are sweating on the superb dance of both. In the video, Akshay Kumar is doing sizzling dance moves with Nora Fatehi. The sizzling chemistry of both the actors is very much liked by the fans. In this video, a new avatar of the song ‘Oo Antwa’ from the film ‘Pushpa’ was seen.
Talking about the look, Nora wore an orange outfit while Akshay was seen in a simple shirt. This dance video of both is going viral on social media. Akshay Kumar was seen doing sizzling dance moves with Nora Fatehi. In this video, both the stars are seen dancing to the hit song O Antwa from the film Pushpa.
In the video, Akshay Kumar is seen with full energy as usual. Also, Nora is competing with Akshay in terms of energy and dance. Both are wearing garlands of marigold flowers around their necks. Seeing Nora’s look, you will be reminded of Zeenat Aman. At the same time, Akshay Kumar is doing a fun dance with something like a cigarette in his mouth. Although some people are also trolling Akshay for dancing like this.