Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma recently attended the Bhasma Aarti of Mahakal in Ujjain along with her husband and Indian cricketer Virat Kohli. Its photos and videos went viral on social media. Now Anushka Sharma has shared a video. In which he has shown his home school to his fans. In this way he has refreshed his childhood memories.
Anushka Sharma has now given fans a glimpse of her childhood home in Mhow, MP. The actress shared a clip of her ride down the memory lane as she revisited the house where she grew up during her school days. The actress, who belongs to a military family, shared a clip of her visiting a government quarter in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh.
She also talked about the pool where she learned to swim and scooter rides with her father. Sharing the nostalgia, Anushka wrote, “Mahoo, watching MP again. The place where I first learned to swim as a kid, the place where my brother tricked me into asking for a video game on my birthday, which of course he played.
The place where I took many scooter rides with my father and the place that will always have a piece of my heart.” In the clip, Anushka can be seen walking towards her house, which is at the end of the road and can be heard saying, “Yeh upar wala ghar tha (we had our flat on the first floor).”
A photo shows her taking a break to go inside the house where she lived. She is also seen driving past the Army Public School, where she did her schooling, and the pool where she learned swimming. The video ends with the words “My heart is full”.
Taking to her IG handle on March 6, 2023, Anushka Sharma shared an adorable video of herself visiting her childhood home, school and many more memorable places. The video begins with his voice-over driving the car to his childhood home. Later, she is shown her friend’s house, followed by several memorable places including her school, the swimming pool where she swam as a child, and others.
Several people reacted to the post including Rakul Preet Singh who commented, “Uff!! Cants”. Gul Panag also reacted, writing, “OMG I need to go back to Mhow right now!” Fans also reacted, one person wrote, this is the feeling only an army brat can understand. A third wrote, “Time really does fly and by the time we look back, we realize the path we traveled and the process of achieving that dream was long back!!! The heart always wants to be back where it all started and with whom!!!”