Sonam Kapoor is often in discussion about her fashion. Where celebs and fans are seen praising their looks. So many times she comes under the target of trollers. Meanwhile, Sonam Kapoor’s look with Apple CEO Tim Cook in the recently held Delhi Capitals vs Kolkata Knight Riders IPL match has come into the limelight. At the same time, people are seen reacting.
CEO Tim Cook is in Delhi these days after opening another Apple store in Saket, Delhi. At the same time, in the IPL match on Monday, she met Sonam Kapoor and her husband Anand Ahuja, whose picture was shared by the actress on Instagram.
Sharing her pictures, Sonam Kapoor wrote in the caption, “Tim Cook and the entire Apple team – we hope you’ve had a good stay here and are encouraged and positive about Apple’s outlook in the country. We are very grateful for the care and attention you have put in here to create your signature world class experience. The same post was shared by the actress on Twitter, to which Tim Cook retweeted, “Thank you so much for an evening I’ll never forget!”
Talking about the pictures, actress Sonam Kapoor can be seen in Indian look during the match with Tik Kook. Her beauty is worth seeing in each and every picture. Although many people troll him and write in the comments, who comes dressed like Umrao Jaan to watch the match in the stadium, it can be from both Rekha ji and Sonam Kapoor. The other wrote, what wedding are you going to attend. Many people have commented like this. Although many people have also praised the actress. On the work front, Sonam Kapoor is about to make a comeback with Shome Makhija’s Blind after being away from films for a long time. Talking about personal life, she has become the mother of son Vayu Kapoor Ahuja last year, whose pictures she keeps sharing on social media. However, till now he has not shown the face of the son.