Many Bollywood celebs have become parents in the year 2022, including the names of Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor and Bipasha Basu-Karan Singh Grover. Although celebs have kept the faces of their children hidden from the eyes of media and fans. But now actress Bipasha Basu has removed the veil from the face of daughter Devi. Yes, some time ago the actress has shared the picture of the daughter, due to which the fans will not be able to take their eyes off. At the same time, seeing these pictures, there has been an outpouring of heart emoji on social media.
The actress shared two cute pictures of her daughter on her Instagram handle a few hours ago, in which Devi is looking very cute wearing a pastel pink dress with a headband. At the same time, she is also seen giving a smile in the pictures.
Although this is not the first time that Bipasha Basu and her husband Karan Singh Grover have shared videos or pictures of their daughter. Although the fans could not see the face of the goddess in them. But now the fans are showering love on these pictures. Significantly, in November last year, the couple became parents. At the same time, on social media, the fans had lavished love. Not only this, actress Bipasha Basu had told paparazzi about being a mother gilt for leaving her daughter alone at home, due to which the fans also supported her.